What’s the word you’re looking forward to this year? I’d like to offer the word BLISS.

This is actually my goal this year, to reach a state of bliss, and I am immensely lucky to sit down with The Nicole Requena, the owner of The Blissed Out Boss in this podcast episode. As a fellow entrepreneur and female business leader, Nicole and I have a lot in common, but I still have so much to learn from her journey in achieving bliss in her business.

Attaining bliss also means doing away or getting around our sense of perfectionism. The pandemic has brought us to a new world where people’s interests and ideologies have also shifted. But for many of us, we could still get stuck with the usual perfectionist perspective, like a nagging voice in our head announcing how much we failed.


The New You: Strategies to Get Around Perfectionism


So here are some strategies to get around perfectionism especially if you’re building a new you this year. Whether it’s rebranding your original business, launching online merchandise, or marketing your skills and talents, you need to get around the voice of perfectionism in order to attain your version of success.


1. Get a Plan in Place

Even if you don’t know yet what you’re doing, you need to be able to establish a plan. Create a mission statement that you want to navigate and then work your way towards it.


2. Get a Coach or Mentor

In these new post-pandemic times, you don’t want to be stuck with the traditional versions of employment and business. Get yourself someone who could understand and support you in pursuing your new endeavor. You would be grateful for this connection.


3. Get Comfortable with Money Conversations

The economy could be a complex matter to deal with, but if you want to pursue something new, develop confidence in talking about rates and prices. It could be awkward at first to talk about how much you’re charging because we don’t want to offend people, but by owning our rates, we are also attracting our niche clients. This applies to a new business, new product, or new career for yourself.


4. Get Clear Boundaries

If you are launching something new for yourself, make sure that you are specific about what it is you want and who it is you want to be with. Avoid hesitating about what-ifs because it’s very typical for us to reconsider our preferences. But when you’re clear about your requirements, you will definitely get the kind of market that you envision.


5. Get the Right Packaging

Once you’re set to launch something new, ensure to invest in beautiful, personalized, and unique packaging. If you need to consult with professional graphic designers, go ahead and do so. Great packaging will excite your original clients and will attract your niche customers.

Moving Forward


Anybody can decide to build a new version of themselves not only every year but every time they see something that needs to be changed. All you need to equip yourself with is the right mindset. That is what we are cheering you on in this podcast. I have done it. Nicole has done it. We’re still doing it. That’s how I know you can do it, too!

Go ahead and listen. Then tell us what your new plans are in attaining your own bliss this year! As always, I’m rooting for you. And if you’ve got feedback, leave it in the comment section and I’ll be sure to read it back!


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