How-to Guide: Expand Your Energy to Laser Focus With Lisa Guillot

Having laser focus sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it? 

Having a laser-sharp focus means that you have the mental strength to wade through distractions efficiently. Expand your energy to laser focus, learn how to concentrate properly, and you can say goodbye to procrastination, deadline stress, and last-minute panic.

The problem? Finding and maintaining that kind of focus isn’t always easy. So, how do you do it? 

To get a better understanding of this topic, I speak with Lisa Guillot and we discuss how to expand your energy to laser focus. We started our conversation on Lisa’s Podcast last week, Find Your Clear Vision and this is part 2 of our conversation. 

Let’s dive in!

How to Expand your Energy to Laser Focus

Developing better focus isn’t as difficult as it seems. But, if you’re struggling with it, Lisa shares her 6-step framework called the Clear Vision Framework.

  • Release Judgment 

So, you truly intend to start your own business. Or, maybe you really want to write that book. But, you think to yourself, “I don’t have the right tools to do it,” or “I have writer’s block and can’t do it.” In this situation, you are effectively blocking yourself and you’re not truly focusing on your goals. To achieve laser focus, you need to release judgment – and there are lots of tools and techniques to do that. Let go of what you think you can or can’t do and just focus on the goal(s) you have. 

  • Brainstorm

Once you’ve released judgment, you need to brainstorm. Even with the end in mind (your goals), you need to be specific about it. What does your end goal actually look like? What, specifically, do you want to achieve? At this stage, you’ve got to open up all the possibilities and be willing to be wrong and be willing to explore because brainstorming can be messy. After you brainstorm, two or three ideas will pop out for you and you’d be like, “Okay, I think I want to explore making a podcast” or “I want to build this type of message to share with my people”

  • Clear Vision

After you brainstorm, you’ll have a clearer vision of your goals. To develop laser focus, you need to learn how to identify what’s important on your to-do list. For instance, if you’ve got a project due tomorrow, then that’s going to be more important than something that’s due next week. Have a clear vision of your priorities before you jump into work. 

  • Laser Focus

Once you’ve got a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it’s time to put your laser focus on it. At this stage, most people let their limiting beliefs block their focus again – in such situations, you need to go back to the first step which is to release judgment. Don’t listen to those negative voices in your head telling you that you can’t do it or that you’re not skilled enough. Just focus on your vision and get rid of anything that might steal your hard-earned focus.

  • Expand Your Energy

What drains you of energy? What distracts you the most? Imagine you've got a pair of scissors and snip away those things that distract you and drain you of energy – only then will you be able to truly focus and expand your energy. Focusing on your goals will help you unleash your true potential and improve your growth. However, when you jump from one task to another, your focus becomes split, you won’t be able to see your mistakes, and you’ll be too distracted. When your energy goes into one task, you don’t need to be bothered about anything else. 

Bonus Tip: Sometimes, to expand your energy, you have to clock out and check out. Go on a vacation. Relax and unwind. Check-in with yourself and say, “What do I need at this moment? And how can I give myself that which I need?” Find time to relax so you can come back refreshed and actually be able to focus on the goal at hand. 

  • Share

Once you’ve brainstormed, identified your vision, focused on your goals, and identified steps to achieve those goals, it’s time to execute and share it. If you’ve always wanted to publish a podcast, do it! Or, maybe you’ve always wanted to share your thoughts through blog articles. Share it through social media, upload it to your website, or however you want to do it. Then, you get up the next day and you do it again – and again and again. 

The Bottom Line

Laser focus isn’t some mysterious skill that only a select few can master. Anyone can achieve laser focus. And although you’re not always going to be able to be 100% laser-focused, learning how to focus with the above framework will help you meet your goals and enable you to conquer any task.

Listen to my full conversation with Lisa Guillot here

About Lisa Guillot

Lisa Guillot’s intention is to help you reignite your connection to your highest self and clear away any cobwebs that are keeping you stuck because the best leaders and personal brands are created from the inside out.

  • Link to Lisa’s Podcast Find Your Clear Vision on Apple Podcasts 

  • Link to Lisa’s Podcast Find Your Clear Vision on Spotify


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