Finding Motivation in an Unmotivated Year

I'm very enthusiastic about this blog because it's something I've been experiencing over the last few months. I feel like I'm now emerging from this rut that I was in, just emotionally and socially, where I was having a hard time getting back into things post-pandemic. This site is all about inspiration and what to do when you're stuck in business. That's exactly how I've been feeling for the past few months. I believe it was because I was so close to my place of employment. However, I wasn't as hands-on as I would have liked regularly. In addition, my systems were not yet in order. So, when anything in my business feels odd, it usually takes me a few weeks or months to absorb it and figure out what wasn't functioning as well as I had hoped.

When I returned, I was thinking out how I can begin to make this happen for myself in a way that feels good and is in sync with myself rather than anybody else. That way once I know what's not working, I can bring that thought process to a meeting with my coach. When you're in a company, especially if you're building a service-based firm, your motivation might vary at times, particularly when you're onboarding new clients and attempting to understand your system and procedures. I like to share with you how challenging this was at times. And you know what? When I woke up in the mornings, it used to feel extremely thrilling, especially when you're two years into your business, you're still expanding strategically, you're attempting to meet your financial objectives. After the pandemic, individuals began to return to work.

Grow with your clients.

Meraki media management is all about growing with your clients. At times, customers come to us in a funk, needing help with their social media presence. They don't feel comfortable posting every day. Or they're going through a personal change, and posting doesn't seem natural at the moment. That's where we come in. We relieve some pressure, especially for our management and training clients, by showing strategic means to offer value. If you're not feeling 100 percent, a lot of it comes down to us knowing our ideal client.

You know, sometimes you wake up in the morning and wonder, "Who am I today?" And you know, especially in my mid-twenties, I was having this talk with my mother while we were in New York a few days ago, and we were discussing how individuals my age are experiencing an identity crisis. 

That's what happens when you're in your mid-twenties. You've graduated from college, and you're ready to become the person you want to be for the rest of your life. And it's already a lot of pressure; add a pandemic to the mix, and you've got a triple whammy. 

So, for those of you in your mid-twenties, I feel you! I'm 25, and next year in 2022, I'll be 26. 

The final takeaway

When I was younger, I felt sobbing was a sign of weakness. I'm not sure who instilled that belief in me. But that belief was handed to me at some time. And my mother is not an emotional person. So I'm not sure where that belief originated. As a result, I refused to cry. And now I learn to cry all the time. If I'm unhappy about anything, I'll cry and let it all out. 

It's good to allow yourself to feel like the real you to show up with unmasked everyday energy, your Divine Self, who you are. And that's what I wanted to say for you guys. If you're in pain right now, I feel you.

Even if it appears that I'm achieving my objectives, launching this business, and doing this thing, there was still something inside of me that is incomplete. I dealt with it until I was honest with myself and stopped blaming everyone else. I stopped looking at myself as the lowest common denominator. And it was the turning point in my life. 

I hope this message encourages you to take a quick look at some of your habits and some of the feelings you've been hiding. 

Permit yourself to sit with them.


Holidays and End of the Year planning!


The Power of Identifying Patterns on Facebook