How Your Social Media Platform Provides Self-care

Do you also ever feel that curating content to post or upload on your social media platform is just so paralyzing? That makes two of us then! In fact, this was a huge challenge for me when I was still starting my online business. I always get confronted with the burden of what content to put up, and you will find evidence of these “challenging times” if you scroll back. 😁

Do you know what’s even more challenging? It’s showing up on a platform on social media, putting yourself out there on a daily basis, not getting engagement, and then having to get up and do the same thing over and over and over again. It would be a really struggling activity when you’re not feeling aligned to do so.

Alignment: Self-care in Social Media

When we talk about social media, the immediate picture would be that it is a source of mentally unhealthy stuff, and not really a way to give yourself that much-needed self-care. I would say that’s partly true especially when I was still starting and struggling to come up with ideas on what to post. 

Over time I started sharing stories about myself and speaking to my listeners in a non-judgmental way. I then realized how I have attracted my kind of people, who listen to these kinds of expressions without judgment, and who just honor this kind of authenticity. I have built a community both online and offline that helped me understand myself better while also providing me an outlet to be just as I am in a healing way. I have never felt so aligned in my life at that moment. 

Self-expression: Boundaries in Social Media

When I started my online business, I was also meeting with coaches, mentors, and therapists, who have now become my friends, and sometimes podcast guests. If you’ve been following me for quite a while, you must have already heard of them. 

These coaches and mentors have helped me process all my thoughts and feelings so that I could be more aligned with what I talk about on social media. What I’m saying is that I don’t just share anything whenever I feel the need to, especially if that issue is still very negative for me. If you want your self-expression to be a form of self-care online, you have to be able to process your thoughts and issues first so that they will be presented in a positive and helpful way to your listeners.

Your mentors and coaches will help you establish these boundaries so that you can find the right words for the content that you put up on social media. These should not only care for your soul and mental health, but also for your community and followers. 

Safe Space: Finding the Right Community

Social media can be a harsh place to be in. But for it to be a safe space for you, you got to have the right community. These are the people who understand and support you. In the face of haters and bashers, which would often happen in this digital space, the right community will help you stay grounded so that you can be able to still post in the most aligned way that you can. 


I understand how building this community online would come off as a difficult step to make, but that is also the reason why I set up the course Intuitive Instagram. I could guide you on how to nurture the space and community that will be in most alignment with yourself, to allow you the self-care and self-expression customized to your own personality. I talked about that in detail in this podcast so do stay tuned and be sure to let me know as well what you realized after listening! Hear you soon!


The best way to start is through manifestation…


Stop the efforts to fit in when you're always meant to stand out.