Personal development

In this blog, we are going to dive into two of the most important pieces of entrepreneurship that are not mentioned frequently—mental health and personal development.

Without a doubt, being an entrepreneur can feel like you’re constantly running out of time. We live in this fast-paced world where it requires our presence and attention 24/7 to keep things running. All of this, eventually, will drain every ounce of energy and strength we have left in us.

This is the biggest reason why I got myself a coach and went to therapy because I knew I needed help.

Once I started my therapy, I started to go through a lot of personal development shifts. Therapy and coaching helped me so much along the way. Before, I had no clue what self-help or self-care was. Therapy made me realize that self-care is a whole different level of trying to work out your mental health. 


Here’s the thing, our brains are extremely powerful.

With my business, what had happened to me throughout my life has made me feel like I was out of control. When I began to step into an unknown space, it crippled me with anxiety. My personal traumas crippled me even more. The thoughts in the back of my head kept saying, “Who’s going to buy from me if I have no experience yet? I had only one great breakthrough experience. Would that be enough proof for my clients?”

Before, if I made a mistake, I would beat myself up for hours and days. I realized through my therapy what I was doing to myself and that I needed to change my mindset.

My therapy made me realize I wasn’t very judgmental about the people around me, but I was judgmental about myself. I was fortunate enough to have found a coach that helped me see all these important things as I was building my business.

Here’s the thing, our brains are extremely powerful. The more aware we become of our limiting beliefs and our traumas, the more we can work through them and create breakthroughs. 

Changing Negativity & Lessons Learned

Take care of yourself and work on your mental health to be as healthy as possible. Learn to change your perception of something negative and turn it into a positive one. 

In moments of uncertainty, learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this moment happening magical?”

Remember, if you don’t gather up the courage to step back from all the negativity surrounding your life and your thought processes as an entrepreneur— you will end up limiting yourself before you can even start.

Remind yourself how much you deserve self-care. Don’t let your past traumas define you and instead, take these experiences of the past and use them as an excellent step towards a positive change.

If you wish to dig deeper into this topic, listen to the podcast here.


Overcoming skepticism and fear as you go after your dreams


A day in my life