Are You Spiritually Curious?
Do you believe in something that no one wants to believe?
Being in that stage, you have sensed a greater part of existence and it involves the feeling that there are some greater things around you. But does that affect your business into turning into a scary path to go through?
In this week's podcast episode, we'll deal with this topic with Ilia from Spiritually Curious. One of my most favorite spiritually aware businesses out there right now, she is very well known for identifying patterns within her VIP days. And I also find that her overall spirituality explanation is much more in alignment with how I believe and what I believe spirituality is. Ilia helps us find that voice, and figure out what that means for us, it's so enlightening to know that we are not alone.
Now, why do we think that running a business is so scary? And how does it relate to being spiritually curious? Read on to find out.
Why Do We Think Running a Business is Scary?
We underestimate the amount of time we spend on it.
Especially if you are doing it alone, you have a lot of decision-making to do on your own. This can be daunting, but this is actually just the start when it comes to the
understanding of the process.
The important thing you can do is find a community that’s in line with your business. Business owners that have at least a year longer on their run can still recall their beginnings. We can’t say that a 10th-year business owner couldn’t help but their methods a decade ago are not similar to the methods we have right now.
You don’t ask questions or opinions from other people.
It’s really hard not to get any feedback from other people. How would you know if your business is needed by the community or is it just waiting to be forgotten and no one cares at all? You need other people’s opinions in order to know what you’re looking for and what you lack in the business.
When asking, if people answered you through feeling without really giving an answer then don’t ask them again. They’re not the people you can seek advice from. You’re not gonna get a lot of good conversations but when you do, it’s because both of you seek with the same energy. The nature of energy has come through and created more opportunities for you to get better.
There’s not a lot to work on and you feel like it’s not gonna hold on.
You start to feel like this is why you don’t get the opportunity because you are not working hard enough. You don’t feel rewarded for what you accomplished. Thinking that hard work is equal to hundreds of objectives to be done. It’s like playing too safe where it is not working well as you thought it would be.
You can put a lot of ideas into it and make sure you equally do the same effort with your best ones. But for you to get better at the business, you keep on improving on the ideas that you shine. What lights up your energy. When you show people what gets you excited, they get excited as well. The people would be curious to know what’s the best thing you can offer to them.
How Does Spirituality Help?
So, how does being spiritually curious help? All in all, spirituality helps your mental health, creating that connection helps your mental health, and finally, it actually helps every aspect of your life. And until you start building that muscle, you will begin to see that and it's the synchronicities that start to happen.
When you put it out into the universe; when you believe that maybe it could happen and you surrender it, it just manifests. That’s what starts happening when you open up to your spirit and you start practicing – all of these doors start opening that you never dreamed possible.
Tune in to the full podcast episode here. This podcast episode is so much fun to listen to because of Ilia; she is definitely one of a kind! If you also want to give me some love, send me a DM about how this episode uplifted you. I want to hear your story, too!
Learn more about Ilia