Personal Lessons on Intuitive Investing
Do you believe you can achieve what you put your mind to doing?
My father died when I was fifteen. And I was terrified of what I was going to do next. I couldn't bring myself to think about other possibilities.
Then, everything changed when I received a letter in the mail informing me that I would be inheriting stock managed by my father and that it was only for me.
In a matter of minutes, I went from thinking I couldn't afford to buy my next lunch at school to managing stock as a 15-year-old.
I was challenged to make the financial decisions I had grown up with, and I was terrified. But going through it at such a young age made me realize that everything in life is possible. I was able to overcome those challenges with the help of financially savvy people around me.
My experience taught me that it’s possible to achieve what you put your mind to doing, and this is what I’m going to share a bit with you today.
I’m not a financial advisor by any means, and I suggest you take one to guide you through your finances. My purpose is to share some insights from my experience and give you opportunities to expand your mind.
Start to decide what’s a good investment for you.
How do you start to decide if this is a good investment for you?
The answer boils down to where you put your money. Our lives in 2020 were very chaotic, as I recall.
But then I began to wonder...
Where are people putting their money? Where am I putting my money? Where should I allot my money at this point?
These are the types of businesses in which you would want to invest. Because if you're spending money there, likely, a lot of other people are as well.
Learn about the company's export and import policies before investing. Ask your financial advisor about it, and most of all ask yourself if you love investing in it.
Marketing has a lot to do with intuitive investing. So, if you decide to invest in the stock market and all of the information you've gathered thus far has been somewhat complicated, don't overlook the simple marketing aspect of it.
Consider your purchasing habits.
What do you think people might do? If you have a good understanding of what is going on with people right now, use that knowledge.
Speak with your financial advisor, if you have one, and learn as much as you can about good investments. Yahoo Finance is a free platform that I used to get started. If you want to look for a stock to invest in, you can start with Yahoo Finance, which is completely free. There, you'll find a lot of information about the company you want to invest in.
A lot of what I look at is the company's importing and exporting. You can learn what goods they source, where they source them, and what types of products are the most profitable for them.
Use intuitive investing.
A start-up company in its first year may not have the market statistics and records to forecast its future progress. I want you to be aware of that information so that it does not deter you from investing in a stock in which you have faith.
This is where your intuitive abilities come into play. It is by purposefully knowing and researching where your investment goes, rather than simply being taken away by the majority's or other people's decisions.
Stocks would eventually fall and people would sell their investments out of fear. However, be intuitive in your decisions and avoid allowing the scarcity mindset to influence your choices.
So, when you use intuitive investing, you start to wonder: Am I pulling stock because I need funding for something I want or need?
Or am I withdrawing money from the stock because I'm afraid it will crash, as I've read about online?
Don't be afraid to face challenges and take risks. Nowadays, there are financial advisors and a plethora of free tools available to help you learn about something you want to do or invest in.
Intuitive investing is doing what you set your mind to do. It's about going straight to your goal without being swayed by influence or what the majority says.
Don't let the fear of scarcity rule your life. Get into intuitive investing, and if we play our cards right, we may be able to use these miracles to continue to lead us down a path that we previously thought was impossible.